Brassic: 源自考克尼俚语 boracic lint (硼酸棉) 的发音,形容人身无分文、一穷二白——“穷卵子打板凳响”。 《穷卵打板》聚焦一个形影不离的兰开夏盗窃团伙——温尼 (Vinn
杰西·沙特尔斯沃思(雷·阿伦 Ray Allen饰),全国有名的高中篮球明星。杰西一心渴望,期望,盼望,企望在职业篮球生涯中闯出一片天下,然而却因为有一个身为囚犯的爸爸,父亲大人,爹爹,老父亲杰克
Festivities take a back seat as DI Parker investigates the murder of a podcaster. She had been pro
Paul (Morgan) investigates his late father's increasingly disturbing past and becomes suspicio
It’s Christmas in Darrowby and everyone is trying to make the most of things while the world is at
The Ghosts, touched by Alison’s thoughtful generosity, are inspired to give her a special Christma