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荒野独居 第4季海报图片

荒野独居 第4季

已完结 2017  美国 
类型 :欧美综艺 
2017·美国·欧美综艺 ·英语·详情
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  7组竞争者共14人分别空降到温哥华岛的北部,每组的两个队员一共可以抉择,挑选,取舍,取择10个生存装备,并平分装备。每组中需要抉择,挑选,取舍,取择一人降落在营地,另一人则降落在距离营地16km(1 mi)的地方并需要靠指南针徒步到营地。每个人都可以在任何时间退出游戏,同时另一名组员也会自动被退出游戏。如果有组员因为受伤而退出,那么与主动退出游戏一样。持续,坚守,执着,恒心到最后一组的两名成员获得50万美金。  提供的装备:  1 pair high leg Hunting boots  1 Pair water shoes (crocs/sandals/keens)  1 T-shirt  2 fleece or wool shirts (hooded or unhooded)  1 wool sweater  3 pairs wool socks  2 hats (brimmed, wool or baseball)  1 bandana or shemagh or buff/face mask  2 Pairs of Gloves (one insulated and one leather work style glove)  2 pairs underwear  1 warm outdoor jacket  1 rain jacket  1 rain pant  1 pair thermal underwear (long top and bottom)  1 pair of gaiters  1 leather belt (or synthetic equivalent)  1 toothbrush  1 pair of eye glasses (with proof of prescription)  1 personal photograph  1 Multi-seasonal Sleeping Bag (should be a minimum of a -10 degrees Celsius rating and synthetic)  1 Fixed Blade Knife  1 Ferro Rod (must not be longer than 6in, and must have plastic handle)  可选装备:每组选出10种  *Each Team may select 10 items from the following list (5 items per person).  *Participants may only choose up to 2 Food items each.  *Non-Hunting Items are limited to 1 of each item listed per Teammate.  *The Hunting Items are limited to 1 of each item listed per Team.  Shelter  12x12 ground cloth/tarp (grommets approved)  8 mm climbing rope - 10M  550 parachord - 20m  1 hatchet  1 saw  1 ax  Bedding  1 bivi bag (Gore-Tex sleeping bag cover)  1 sleeping pad  1 hammock  Cooking  1 large pot (no more than 2 quarts; includes lid)  1 steel frying pan  1 enamel bowl for eating  1 spoon  1 canteen or water bottle  Hygiene  1 bar soap  1 8 oz tube of toothpaste  1 face flannel  1 40 m roll dental floss  1 small bottle bio shower soap  1 shaving razor (and 1 blade)  1 towel (30” x 60”)  1 comb  Hunting (Note: only 1 item can be chosen between each pair of participants)  1 300-yard roll of a single filament fishing line / 25 assorted Hooks (no lures)  1 primitive bow + 6x arrows (must be predominately made of wood)  1 small gauge gill net (12' x 4' with 1.5" mesh)  1 slingshot/catapult + 30 steel ball bearings + 1 replacement band  1 net foraging bag  1 3.5 lb roll of trapping wire  3 lbs of one solid block of salt  Food  2 lbs of beef jerky (protein)  2 lbs of dried pulses/legumes/lentils mix (starch and carbs)  2 lbs of biltong (protein)  2 lbs of hard tack military biscuits (carbs/sugars)  2 lbs of chocolate (Simple/complex sugars)  2 lbs of pemmican (traditional trail food made from fat and proteins)  2 lbs of gorp (raisins, m&m's and peanuts)  2 lbs of flour (starch/carbs)  1/3 lbs rice/ 1/3 lb sugar / 1/3 lb of salt  Tools  1 pocket knife  1 Leatherman multi-tool or similar  1 sharpening stone  1 roll of duct tape or 1 roll of electrical tape  1 small shovel  1 small sewing kit  1 carabineer  1 LED flashlight  1 pair of ice spikes




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  • 片名:荒野独居 第4季
  • 状态:已完结
  • 主演:未知
  • 导演:未知
  • 年份:2017
  • 地区:美国
  • 类型:欧美综艺 
  • 频道:内详
  • 上映:未知
  • 语言:英语
  • 更新:2024-12-02 04:39
  • 简介:  7组竞争者共14人分别空降到温哥华岛的北部,每组的两个队员一共可以抉择,挑选,取舍,取择10个生存装备,并平分装备。每组中需要抉择,挑选,取舍,取择一人降落在营地,另一人则降落在距离营地16km(1 mi)的地方并需要靠指南针徒步到营地。每个人都可以在任何时间退出游戏,同时另一名组员也会自动被退出游戏。如果有组员因为受伤而退出,那么与主动退出游戏一样。持续,坚守,执着,恒心到最后一组的两名成员获得50万美金。  提供的装备:  1 pair high leg Hunting boots  1 Pair water shoes (crocs/sandals/keens)  1 T-shirt  2 fleece or wool shirts (hooded or unhooded)  1 wool sweater  3 pairs wool socks  2 hats (brimmed, wool or baseball)  1 bandana or shemagh or buff/face mask  2 Pairs of Gloves (one insulated and one leather work style glove)  2 pairs underwear  1 warm outdoor jacket  1 rain jacket  1 rain pant  1 pair thermal underwear (long top and bottom)  1 pair of gaiters  1 leather belt (or synthetic equivalent)  1 toothbrush  1 pair of eye glasses (with proof of prescription)  1 personal photograph  1 Multi-seasonal Sleeping Bag (should be a minimum of a -10 degrees Celsius rating and synthetic)  1 Fixed Blade Knife  1 Ferro Rod (must not be longer than 6in, and must have plastic handle)  可选装备:每组选出10种  *Each Team may select 10 items from the following list (5 items per person).  *Participants may only choose up to 2 Food items each.  *Non-Hunting Items are limited to 1 of each item listed per Teammate.  *The Hunting Items are limited to 1 of each item listed per Team.  Shelter  12x12 ground cloth/tarp (grommets approved)  8 mm climbing rope - 10M  550 parachord - 20m  1 hatchet  1 saw  1 ax  Bedding  1 bivi bag (Gore-Tex sleeping bag cover)  1 sleeping pad  1 hammock  Cooking  1 large pot (no more than 2 quarts; includes lid)  1 steel frying pan  1 enamel bowl for eating  1 spoon  1 canteen or water bottle  Hygiene  1 bar soap  1 8 oz tube of toothpaste  1 face flannel  1 40 m roll dental floss  1 small bottle bio shower soap  1 shaving razor (and 1 blade)  1 towel (30” x 60”)  1 comb  Hunting (Note: only 1 item can be chosen between each pair of participants)  1 300-yard roll of a single filament fishing line / 25 assorted Hooks (no lures)  1 primitive bow + 6x arrows (must be predominately made of wood)  1 small gauge gill net (12' x 4' with 1.5" mesh)  1 slingshot/catapult + 30 steel ball bearings + 1 replacement band  1 net foraging bag  1 3.5 lb roll of trapping wire  3 lbs of one solid block of salt  Food  2 lbs of beef jerky (protein)  2 lbs of dried pulses/legumes/lentils mix (starch and carbs)  2 lbs of biltong (protein)  2 lbs of hard tack military biscuits (carbs/sugars)  2 lbs of chocolate (Simple/complex sugars)  2 lbs of pemmican (traditional trail food made from fat and proteins)  2 lbs of gorp (raisins, m&m's and peanuts)  2 lbs of flour (starch/carbs)  1/3 lbs rice/ 1/3 lb sugar / 1/3 lb of salt  Tools  1 pocket knife  1 Leatherman multi-tool or similar  1 sharpening stone  1 roll of duct tape or 1 roll of electrical tape  1 small shovel  1 small sewing kit  1 carabineer  1 LED flashlight  1 pair of ice spikes
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